Annex VIII - Assessment of conformity of machinery directive 2006/42/EC

The text in RED color is the amended or added text in comparison with the former 98/37/EC machinery directive.

ANNEX VIII : Assessment of conformity with internal checks on the manufacture of machinery

1. This Annex describes the procedure by which the manufacturer or his authorised representative, who carries out the obligations laid down in points 2 and 3, ensures and declares that the machinery concerned satisfies the relevant requirements of this Directive.

2. For each representative type of the series in question, the manufacturer or his authorised representative shall draw up the technical file referred to in Annex VII, part A.

3. The manufacturer must take all measures necessary in order that the manufacturing process ensures compliance of the manufactured machinery with the technical file referred to in Annex VII, part A, and with the requirements of this Directive.

Comment : A VIII-1

This appendix is new. It defines a new certification procedure defined in Article 12 chapters 2 and 3) in addition to other procedures for:

  • machines that are not listed in Annex IV, the manufacturer or his authorized representative shall apply the assessment of conformity with internal checks on the manufactured machines as defined in Annex VIII .
  • The machines listed in Annex IV, manufactured in accordance with harmonized standards, with asumptions that these standards cover all the relevant essential requirements of relevant health and safety.

It is in fact a self-certification.

Original Comment : A VIII-1

Cette annexe est nouvelle. Elle définit une nouvelle procédure de certification définie à l’article 12 chapitres 2 et 3 a) en complément d’autres procédures pour :

  • les machines qui ne sont pas visées à l'annexe IV, le fabricant ou son mandataire applique la procédure d'évaluation de la conformité avec contrôle interne de la fabrication de machines prévue à l'annexe VIII. 
  • Les machines visées à l'annexe IV fabriquées conformément aux normes harmonisées, et pour autant que ces normes couvrent l'ensemble des exigences essentielles de santé et de sécurité pertinentes.

Il s’agit en fait d’une auto certification.
