- Home
- Machinery Directive
- History of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
- Machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Whereas of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Articles of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - Scope
- Article 2 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - Definitions
- Article 3 : Specific Directives of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 4 : Market surveillance of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 5 : Placing on the market and putting into service - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 6 : Freedom of movement - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 7 : Presumption of conformity and harmonised standards - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 8 : Specific measures - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 9 : Specific measures to deal with potentially hazardous machinery - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 10 : Procedure for disputing a harmonised standard - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 11 : Safeguard clause - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 12 : Procedures for assessing the conformity of machinery - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 13 : Procedure for partly completed machinery - 2006/42/EC
- Article 14 : Notified bodies - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 15 : Installation and use of machinery - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 16 : CE marking - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 17 : Non-conformity of marking - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 18 : Confidentiality - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 19 : Cooperation between Member States - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 20 : Legal remedies - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 21 : Dissemination of information - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 22 : Committee - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 23 : Penalties - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 24 : Amendment of Directive 95/16/EC - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 25 : Repeal - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 26 : Transposition - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 27 : Derogation - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 28 : Entry into force - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 29 : Addressees - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- ANNEX I of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - Summary
- GENERAL PRINCIPLES of annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- 1 ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS of annex 1 - definitions - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.1.2. Principles of safety integration of annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.1.3. Materials and products annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.1.4. Lighting - annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.1.5. Design of machinery to facilitate its handling - annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.1.6. Ergonomics - annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.1.7. Operating positions - annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.1.8. Seating - annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.2.1. Safety and reliability of control systems - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.2.2. Control devices - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.2.3. Starting - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.2.4. Stopping - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article Assembly of machinery - Annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.2.5. Selection of control or operating modes - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.2.6. Failure of the power supply - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.3. PROTECTION AGAINST MECHANICAL HAZARDS - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.4. REQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS OF GUARDS AND PROTECTIVE DEVICES - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.5. RISKS DUE TO OTHER HAZARDS - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.6. MAINTENANCE - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 1.7. INFORMATION - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 2. SUPPLEMENTARY ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS - annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Article 3. SUPPLEMENTARY ESSENTIAL HEALTH TO THE MOBILITY OF MACHINERY - annex 1 machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Annex II : Declarations of CONFORMITY OF THE MACHINERY, DECLARATION OF INCORPORATION - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Annex III of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - CE marking
- Annex IV of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Annex V of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Annex VI of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Annex VII - Technical file for machinery - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Annex VIII - Assessment of conformity of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Annex IX of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - EC type-examination
- Annex X of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - Full quality assurance
- Annex XI of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - Minimum criteria for the notification of bodies
- Annex XII of machinery directive 2006/42/EC - Correlation table between machinery directive 2006/42/CE and MD 1998/37/CE
- Machinery directive 1998/37/EC
- considerings of machinery directive 1998/37/CE
- articles of 1998/37/EC machinery directive
- Annex I of 1998/37/CE machinery directive
- Annex II of 1998/37/EC machinery directive
- Annex III of machinery directive 1998/37/CE
- Annex IV of machine directive 1998/37/EC
- Annex V of machines directive 1998/37/CE
- Annex VI of machines directive 1998/37/EC
- Annex VII of machines directive 1998/37/EC
- Annex VIII of 1998/37/CE machine directive
- Annex IX of machinery directive 1998/37/CE
- Machinery directive 1989/392/EC
- whereas of machinery directive machines 1989/392/EEC
- articles of machinery directive 1989/392/EEC
- Annex I of machinery directive 1989/392/EEC
- Annex II of machine directive 1989/392/EEC
- Annex III of machinery directive 1989/392/EEC
- Annex IV of machinery directive 1989/392/EEC
- Annex V of machinery directive 1989/392/EEC
- Annex VI of machine directive 1989/392/EEC
- Annexe VII of machinery directive 1989/392/EEC
- Amendments of 1989/392/EEC directive
- ATEX directives
- ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- Whereas of ATEX 94/9/CE directive
- Articles of ATEX 94/9/CE directive
- article 1 ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 2 ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 3 ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 4 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 5 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 6 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 7 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 8 ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 9 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 10 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 11 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 12 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 13 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 14 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 15 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- article 16 : ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- ANNEX X of ATEX 94/9/EC directive : CE Marking - Content of the EC declaration of conformity
- ATEX 99/92/EC Directive
- whereas of 2014/34/UE ATEX directive
- Articles of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 1 of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 2 of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 3 of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 4 of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 5 of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 6 of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 7 of ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- Annex 8 of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 9 of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 10 of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 11 of ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Annex 12 of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive
- Audits in Ex field - EN 13980, OD 005 and EN ISO/CEI 80079-34
- New ATEX directive
- RASE european project
- ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- Standardization & European Regulation
- Safety of machines : Standardization and European regulations
- European regulation for machines - standardization for machines - harmonized standards
- Standardization in machinery
- EN ISO 12100 - Décembre 2010
- EN ISO 12100-1 - January 2004
- EN ISO 12100-1:2003/A1
- EN ISO 12100-2 November 2003
- EN ISO 12100-2:2003/A1
- EN ISO 14121-1 September 2007
- ISO/TR 14121-2 - 2007
- EN 50205:2002 standard - Relays with forcibly guided (mechanically linked) contacts
- ISO 11161:2007
- ISO 13849-1:2006
- ISO 13849-2:2012
- ISO 13850:2006 - Safety of machinery -- Emergency stop -- Principles for design
- ISO 13851:2002 - Safety of machinery -- Two-hand control devices -- Functional aspects and design principles
- ISO 13854:1996 Safety of machinery - Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
- ISO 13855:2010 - Safety of machinery -- Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body
- ISO 13856-1:2013 Safety of machinery -- Pressure-sensitive protective devices -- Part 1: General principles
- ISO 13856-2:2013 - Safety of machinery -- Pressure-sensitive protective devices -- Part 2: General principles for design testing
- ISO 13856-3:2013 Safety of machinery -- Pressure-sensitive protective devices - Part 3: General principles for design
- ISO 13857:2008 Safety of machinery -- Safety distances to prevent hazard zones
- ISO 14118:2000 - Safety of machinery -- Prevention of unexpected start-up
- ISO 14119:2013- Interlocking devices associated with guards
- ISO 14120:2002 - Guards -- General requirements for the design and construction
- ISO 14122-1:2001 - Permanent means of access to machinery
- ISO 14122-2:2001 - Permanent means of access to machinery
- ISO 14122-4:2004 - Permanent means of access to machinery
- ISO 14123-1:1998 - Reduction of risks to health from hazardous substances emitted by machinery
- ISO 14123-2:1998 - Reduction of risks to health from hazardous substances emitted by machinery
- ISO 14159:2002 - Hygiene requirements for the design of machinery
- ISO 19353:2005 -- Fire prevention and protection
- ISO/AWI 17305 - Safety of machinery - Safety functions of control systems
- ISO/DTR 22100-2 - Safety of machinery -- Part 2: How ISO 12100 relates to ISO 13849-1
- ISO/TR 14121-2:2012 - Risk assessment - Part 2: Practical guidance
- ISO/TR 18569:2004 - Guidelines for the understanding and use of safety of machinery standards
- ISO/TR 23849:2010 - Guidance on the application of ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061 in the design of safety-related control systems
- harmonized standards list - machinery-directive 2006/42/CE
- Publication of harmonised standards for machinery directive 2006/42/EC - 9.3.2018
- Harmonized standard list - machinery directive 2006/42/EC - 9.6.2017
- Harmonized standards for machinery - OJ C 2016/C173/01 of 15/05/2016
- Harmonized standards for machinery -OJ C 2016/C14/102 of 15/01/2016
- Harmonized standards for machinery - corrigendum OJ C 2015/C 087/03 of 13/03/2015
- harmonized standards for machinery - OJ C 2015/C 054/01 of 13/02/2015
- Application guide for machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Guide to application of the machinery directive 2006/42/CE - July 2017
- Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC - second edition June 2010
- Guide to application of machinery directive - 1-2 : The citations
- Guide to application of machinery directive - § 3 to § 31 The Recitals
- Guide to application of machinery directive - § 32 to § 156 - The Articles
- Guide to application of machinery directive - § 157 to § 381 - Annex I
- Guide to application of machinery directive - § 382 to § 386 - ANNEX II Declarations
- Guide to application of machinery directive - § 387 - ANNEX III CE marking
- recommendation for use - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- Notified bodies under the machinery directive 2006/42/CE
- Safety of Ex, ATEX and IECEx equipments : Standardization
- Standardization in Ex Field
- The transposition of the ATEX 94/9/EC Directive to the 2014/34/EU directive
- harmonized standards list - ATEX directive 2014/34/EU
- Harmonized standard list for ATEX 2014/34/UE - 12-10-2018
- Harmonized standard list for ATEX 2014/34/UE - 15.6.2018
- Harmonized standard list for ATEX 2014/34/UE - 12-07-2019
- Harmonized standard list for ATEX 2014/34/UE - 9.6.2017
- Harmonized standards list ATEX 2014/34/UE directive - OJ C 126 - 08/04/2016
- Guide to application of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
- application guide of 2014/34/EU directive - preambule, citations and recitals
- Guide to application of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive - THE ARTICLES OF THE ATEX DIRECTIVE
- Guide to application of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive - ANNEX I CLASSIFICATION INTO CATEGORIES
- Guide to application of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive - ANNEX II ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS
- Guide to application of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive - ANNEX III MODULE B: EU-TYPE EXAMINATION
- Guide to application of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive - ANNEX IV MODULE D: CONFORMITY TO TYPE
- Guide to application of machinery directive - § 388 - ANNEX IV machinery and mandatory certification
- Guide to application of the ATEX 2014/34/UE directive - ANNEX V MODULE F: CONFORMITY TO TYPE
- Alignment of ten technical harmonisation directives - Decision No 768/2008/EC
- ATEX 94/9/EC directive documents
- ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines
- ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 1 INTRODUCTION of ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 2 OBJECTIVE OF THE ATEX DIRECTIVE 94/9/EC - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 3 GENERAL CONCEPTS of ATEX 94/9/EC directive ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 4 IN WHICH CASES DOES DIRECTIVE 94/9/EC APPLY - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 5 EQUIPMENT NOT IN THE SCOPE OF DIRECTIVE 94/9/EC - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 8 CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 9 NOTIFIED BODIES - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 10 DOCUMENTS OF CONFORMITY - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 11 MARKING - CE marking -ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 12 SAFEGUARD CLAUSE AND PROCEDURE - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 13 EUROPEAN HARMONISED STANDARDS - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- 14 USEFUL WEBSITES - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- ANNEX II: BORDERLINE LIST - ATEX PRODUCTS - ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines 4th edition
- Harmonized standards list - ATEX 94/9/EC directive
- Harmonized standards list ATEX 94/9/EC directive - OJ C 126 - 08/04/2016
- Harmonized standards list ATEX 94/9/EC - OJ C 335 - 09/10/2015
- Harmonized standards list ATEX 94/9/EC - OJ-C 445-02 - 12/12/2014
- Harmonized standards list ATEX 94/9/EC - OJ-C 076-14/03/2014
- Harmonized standards list ATEX 94/9/EC - OJ-C 319 05/11/2013
- ATEX 94/9/EC guidelines
- European regulation for ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX directive
- Guide to application of ATEX 2014/34/EU directive second edition
- Safety of machines : Standardization and European regulations
- Latest news & Newsletters
- Functional safety
- Terms and definitions for functional safety
- Safety devices in ATEX
- The SAFEC project
- main report of the SAFEC project
- Appendix 1 of the SAFEC project - guidelines for functional safety
- Appendix 2 of the SAFEC project
- Annex D - SAFEC project - study of ‘ Used Safety Devices’
- Annex E - Determination of a methodology for testing, validation and certification
- EN 50495 standard for safety devices
- The SAFEC project
- Safety components in Machinery
- STSARCES - Standards for Safety Related Complex Electronic Systems
- STSARCES project - final report
- STSARCES - Annex 1 : Software engineering tasks - Case tools
- STSARCES - Annex 2 : tools for Software - fault avoidance
- STSARCES - Annex 3 : Guide to evaluating software quality and safety requirements
- STSARCES - Annex 4 : Guide for the construction of software tests
- STSARCES - Annex 5 : Common mode faults in safety systems
- STSARCES - Annex 6 : Quantitative Analysis of Complex Electronic Systems using Fault Tree Analysis and Markov Modelling
- STSARCES - Annex 7 : Methods for fault detection
- STSARCES - Annex 8 : Safety Validation of Complex Components - Validation by Analysis
- STSARCES - Annex 9 : safety Validation of complex component
- STSARCES - Annex 10 : Safety Validation of Complex Components - Validation Tests
- STSARCES - Annex 11 : Applicability of IEC 61508 - EN 954
- STSARCES - Annex 12 : Task 2 : Machine Validation Exercise
- STSARCES - Annex 13 : Task 3 : Design Process Analysis
- STSARCES - Annex 14 : ASIC development and validation in safety components
- Functional safety in machinery - EN 13849-1 - Safety-related parts of control systems
- STSARCES - Standards for Safety Related Complex Electronic Systems
- History of standards for functional safety in machinery
- Basic safety principles - Well-tried safety principles - well tried components
- Functional safety - detection error codes - CRC and Hamming codes
- Functional safety - error codes detection - parity and chechsum
- Functional safety and safety fieldbus
- ISO 13849-1 and SISTEMA
- Prevention of unexpected start-up and machinery directive
- Self tests for micro-controllers
- Validation by analysis of complex safety systems
- basic safety principles - safety relays for machinery
- Download center
- New machinery regulation
- Revision of machinery directive 2006/42/EC
- security for machines
Guide to application of ATEX 2014/34/EU directive second edition
The European Commission has published the ATEX 2014/34/UE guide lines 2nd edition December 2017.
You can find the official document on the european commission website and on the following page :
Guide to application of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU-second edition in PDF
The guide that was published before is presented here after
Guide to application of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
- These ATEX Guidelines are intended to be a manual for all parties directly or indirectly affected by Directive 2014/34/EU[1], commonly referred to as the ATEX ("Atmosphères explosibles") "product" directive, applicable from 20 April 2016, replacing the previous Directive 94/9/EC applicable from 1 July 2003 until 19 April 2016.
- Readers' attention is drawn to the fact that these Guidelines are intended only to facilitate the application of Directive 2014/34/EU, and it is the relevant national transposition of the text of the Directive which is legally binding. However, this document does represent a reference for ensuring consistent application of the Directive by all interested parties and stakeholders. The ATEX Guidelines are intended to help ensure the free movement of products within the scope of the ATEX Directive in the European Union[2] by consensus amongst Member States' government experts and other parties concerned.
- These Guidelines have been prepared by the competent services of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Growth)[3], in co-operation with representatives and experts from EU Member States, European standardisation, notified bodies, industry and other relevant sectoral stakeholders, with the specific contribution of the "New ATEX Guidelines Editorial Group (NAGEG)". They are based on the last issue (4th Edition - September 2012 - Revision December 2013) of the Guidelines on the application of Directive 94/9/EC, applicable until 19 April 2016, as well as on other horizontal and vertical guidance documents.
- The European Commission services will undertake to maintain these Guidelines. It is our goal to ensure that the information provided is both timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them as soon as possible. However, the Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information in this document.
This information is:
- of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;
- not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up-to-date;
- sometimes refers to external information over which the Commission services have no control and for which the Commission assumes no responsibility;
- not professional or legal advice.
- All references to the CE marking and the EU declaration of conformity in these ATEX Guidelines relate only to the Directive 2014/34/EU. To place products falling under Directive 2014/34/EU in the European Union territory, all other relevant legislation must be applied. For wider information on the whole system, see the latest version of "The 'Blue Guide' on the implementation of EU product rules", available in all the EU official languages on http://ec.europa.eu/DocsRoom/documents/18027.
- Further guidance, especially concerning specific types of products, can be found on the European Commission's website on EUROPA regarding ATEX: http://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/mechanical-engineering/atex/.
Any query can be addressed to the GROW ATEX functional mailbox: GROW-DIR-ATEX@ec.europa.eu.
The objective of these ATEX Guidelines is to clarify certain matters and procedures referred to in Directive 2014/34/EU1 concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The Guidelines should be used in conjunction with the Directive itself and with the European Commission's document "The 'Blue Guide' on the implementation of EU product rules"[4].
These Guidelines are not only for the use of Member States’ competent authorities, but also by the main economic operators concerned, such as manufacturers, their trade associations, bodies in charge of the preparation of standards as well as those entrusted with the conformity assessment procedures.
First and foremost, this document must ensure that, when correctly applied, the Directive leads to the removal of obstacles and difficulties related to the free circulation (free movement) of goods within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It should be noted that the statements in these Guidelines refer only to the application of Directive 2014/34/EU unless otherwise indicated. All parties concerned should be aware of other requirements, which may also apply.
Directive 2014/34/EU is a total harmonisation directive and a "New Approach"[5] directive aligned to the New Legislative Framework. It lays down essential health and safety requirements and leaves it to standards, primarily European harmonised standards, to give technical expression of the relevant requirements contained in the Directive.
The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU replaced the previous ATEX Directive 94/9/EC which was applicable between 1 July 2013 and 19 April 2016. As of 20 April 2016, Directive 2014/34/EU, as transposed into the national legislation of the EU Member States, is the sole legal instrument applicable.
The reader will want to be aware that where ATEX products are intended for use in a place of work, national and EU legislation, intended to ensure the safety of employees, will usually apply. In this respect different legislation applies to land based industries, the underground extraction of coal and other minerals, and offshore oil production[6].
Table of Content
Preamble to the ATEX Directive - The Citations and the Recitals
§ 3 |
The recitals |
Recital 1 |
§ 4 |
The previous ATEX Directive |
Recitals 2, 3 |
§ 5 |
The New Legislative Framework |
Recitals 4, 5 |
§ 6 |
The scope of the ATEX Directive |
Recital 6 |
§ 7 |
Health and safety |
Recital 7 |
§ 8 |
Protection against explosion hazards |
Recitals 8, 9 |
§ 9 |
Safety of ATEX equipment and protective systems: essential health and safety requirements |
Recitals 10, 11, 12 |
§ 10 |
Responsibilities of economic operators |
Recital 13 |
§ 11 |
Responsibilities of manufacturers: conformity assessment |
Recitals 14, 15 |
§ 12 |
Responsibilities of importers |
Recital 16 |
§ 13 |
Responsibilities of distributors |
Recital 17 |
§ 14 |
Obligations of the manufacturer for economic operators |
Recitals 18, 19 |
§ 15 |
Information and traceability of products for market surveillance |
Recital 20 |
§ 16 |
Essential health and safety requirements: presumption of conformity from harmonised standards |
Recital 21 |
§ 17 |
Formal objections to harmonised standards |
Recital 22 |
§ 18 |
Conformity assessment procedures |
Recitals 23, 24 |
§ 19 |
EU declaration of conformity |
Recital 25 Recitals 26, 27, 28, 29, |
§ 20 |
The CE marking |
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 |
§ 21 |
Conformity assessment bodies: notified bodies |
Recitals 36, 37 |
§ 22 |
Compliance of products placed on the market and market surveillance |
Recitals 38, 39, 40 |
§ 23 |
The safeguard clause procedure |
Recitals 41, 42, 43, 44 |
§ 24 |
Implementing powers and procedures |
Recitals 45, 46 |
§ 25 |
The ATEX Committee |
Recital 47 |
§ 26 |
Implementing acts concerning measures on noncompliant products |
Recital 48 |
§ 27 |
Enforcement: penalties |
Recital 49 |
§ 28 |
Transitional arrangements |
Recital 50 |
§ 29 |
Subsidiarity and proportionality |
Recitals 51, 52 |
§ 30 |
Transposition |
The articles of 2014/34/EU directive
Article 1 |
§ 31 |
General provisions |
§ 32 |
Products covered by the ATEX Directive |
§ 33 |
Used, repaired or modified products and spare parts |
§ 34 |
Place of intended use |
§ 35 |
Interface to different potentially explosive atmospheres |
§ 36 |
Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices as defined in Article 1(b) |
§ 37 |
Products excluded from the scope of the ATEX Directive |
§ 38 |
Examples of equipment not covered by Directive 2014/34/EU |
Article 2 |
§ 39 |
Definitions |
§ 40 |
Equipment |
§ 41 |
"Own" ignition source |
§ 42 |
Non-electrical equipment |
§ 43 |
Electrical equipment |
§ 44 |
Combined equipment (assemblies) |
§ 45 |
Protective systems |
§ 46 |
Components |
§ 47 |
Difference between equipment and components. Specific requirements given in the manual of products |
§ 48 |
Examples and problems on equipment and components |
§ 49 |
Explosive atmosphere and potentially explosive atmosphere |
§ 50 |
Potentially explosive atmosphere in the sense of Directive 2014/34/EU |
§ 51 |
Equipment group and category |
§ 52 |
Intended use |
§ 53 |
Making available on the market |
§ 54 |
Placing on the market |
§ 55 |
Manufacturer |
§ 56 |
Authorised representative |
§ 57 |
Importer |
§ 58 |
Distributor |
§ 59 |
Economic operators |
§ 60 |
Technical specification |
§ 61 |
Harmonised standard |
§ 62 |
Accreditation and national accreditation body |
§ 63 |
Conformity assessment |
§ 64 |
Recall and withdrawal |
§ 65 |
Union harmonisation legislation |
§ 66 |
CE marking |
Article 3 |
§ 67 |
Making available on the market and putting into service |
§ 68 |
Making available ATEX products on the market |
§ 69 |
Placing ATEX products on the market |
§ 70 |
Putting ATEX products into service |
Article 4 |
§ 71 |
Essential health and safety requirements |
Article 5 |
§ 72 |
Free movement |
§ 73 |
Obligations of economic operators |
Article 6 |
§ 74 |
Obligations of manufacturers |
§ 75 |
Use of subcontractor services by a manufacturer |
§ 76 |
Manufacturers and conformity assessment based on quality assurance (Annex IV, Annex VII) |
§ 77 |
Certificates and CE marking without the name of the original manufacturer |
§ 78 |
Manufacturing of ATEX products for own use |
§ 79 |
The official languages of the European Union |
Article 7 |
§ 80 |
Authorised representatives |
Article 8 |
§ 81 |
Obligations of importers |
Article 9 |
§ 82 |
Obligations of distributors |
Article 10 |
§ 83 |
Obligations of manufacturers for importers and distributors |
Article 11 |
§ 84 |
Identification of economic operators |
§ 85 |
Conformity of the product |
Article 12 |
§ 86 |
Presumption of conformity of products |
§ 87 |
European harmonised standards in the Official Journal |
§ 88 |
Standardisation programme |
Article 13 |
§ 89 |
Conformity assessment procedures |
§ 90 |
Conformity assessment procedures in the case of different categories within one product |
§ 91 |
Clarification for equipment with categories 2 or 3 |
§ 92 |
Exceptional derogations of the conformity assessment procedures |
Article 14 |
§ 93 |
EU declaration of conformity |
§ 94 |
Written attestation of conformity for components |
Articles 15, 16 |
§ 95 |
The CE marking. Rules and conditions for affixing the CE marking and other markings |
§ 96 |
Notification of conformity assessment bodies: notified bodies |
Article 17 |
§ 97 |
Notification |
Article 18 |
§ 98 |
Notifying authorities |
Article 19 |
§ 99 |
Requirements relating to notifying authorities |
Article 20 |
§ 100 |
Information obligation on notifying authorities |
Article 21 |
§ 101 |
Requirements relating to notified bodies |
Article 22 |
§ 102 |
Presumption of conformity of notified bodies |
Article 23 |
§ 103 |
Subsidiaries of and subcontracting by notified bodies |
Articles 24, 25 |
§ 104 |
Application for notification and notification procedure |
Article 26 |
§ 105 |
Identification numbers and lists of notified bodies. The NANDO database |
Article 27 |
§ 106 |
Changes to notification |
Article 28 |
§ 107 |
Challenge of the competence of notified bodies |
Article 29 |
§ 108 |
Operational obligations of notified bodies |
§ 109 |
Documents issued by the notified body |
§ 110 |
Provision of evaluation and test results with EUtype examination certificates |
§ 111 |
Acceptance of test results of manufacturers by a notified body |
§ 112 |
Minimum content of a European standardised ATEX test and assessment report |
§ 113 |
Retention of technical documentation |
Article 30 |
§ 114 |
Appeal against decisions of notified bodies |
Article 31 |
§ 115 |
Information obligation on notified bodies |
Article 32 |
§ 116 |
Exchange of experience |
Article 33 |
§ 117 |
Coordination of notified bodies. The European ATEX Notified Bodies Group (ExNBG) |
§ 118 |
Status and use of ExNBG Clarification Sheets issued by the European ATEX Notified Bodies Group |
§ 119 |
EU market surveillance, control of products entering the EU market and EU safeguard procedure |
Article 34 |
§ 120 |
EU market surveillance and control of products entering the EU market |
Article 35 |
§ 121 |
Procedure for dealing with products presenting a risk at national level |
Article 36 |
§ 122 |
EU safeguard procedure |
Article 37 |
§ 123 |
Compliant products which present a risk |
Article 38 |
§ 124 |
Formal non-compliance |
§ 125 |
Committee, transitional and final provisions |
Article 39 |
§ 126 |
The ATEX Committee |
Article 40 |
§ 127 |
Enforcement: penalties |
Article 41 |
§ 128 |
Transitional provisions |
Article 42 |
§ 129 |
Transposition |
Article 43 |
§ 130 |
Repeal |
Article 44 |
§ 131 |
Entry into force and application |
Article 45 |
§ 132 |
Addresses |
The Annexes to the ATEX Directive
The Annexes to the ATEX Directive
Annex I - Criteria determining the classification of equipment-groups into categories
§ 133 Classification of equipment-groups into categories
1. Equipment-group I
§ 134 Equipment-group I, category M1
§ 135 Equipment-group I, category M2
2. Equipment-group II
§ 136 Equipment-group II, category 1
§ 137 Equipment-group II, category 2
§ 138 Equipment-group II, category 3
Annex II - Essential health and safety requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
§ 139 Essential health and safety requirements
§ 140 Preliminary observations
![]() |
1. Common requirements for Equipment and protective systems
1.0. |
§ 141 |
General requirements |
1.0.1., 1.0.2. |
§ 142 |
Principles of integrated explosion safety. Risk assessment for ATEX products |
1.0.3., 1.0.4. |
§ 143 |
Special conditions: checking, maintenance, surrounding area |
1.0.5. |
§ 144 |
Marking |
§ 145 |
CE marking |
§ 146 |
Supplementary/specific marking |
§ 147 |
Additional marking for standards |
§ 148 |
Marking of small products |
§ 149 |
Marking of components |
§ 150 |
Marking of assemblies |
1.0.6. |
§ 151 |
Instructions |
1.1., 1.1.1, 1.1.2., 1.1.3 |
§ 152 |
Selection of materials |
1.2., 1.2.1., 1.2.2. |
§ 153 |
Design and construction |
1.2.3. |
§ 154 |
Enclosed structures and prevention of leaks |
1.2.4 |
§ 155 |
Dust deposits |
1.2.5 |
§ 156 |
Additional means of protection |
1.2.6 |
§ 157 |
Safe opening |
1.2.7 |
§ 158 |
Protection against other hazards |
1.2.8 |
§ 159 |
Overloading of equipment |
1.2.9 |
§ 160 |
Flameproof enclosure systems |
1.3. |
§ 161 |
Potential ignition sources |
1.3.1. |
§ 162 |
Hazards arising from different ignition sources |
1.3.2. |
§ 163 |
Hazards arising from static electricity |
1.3.3. |
§ 164 |
Hazards arising from stray electric and leakage currents |
1.3.4. |
§ 165 |
Hazards arising from overheating |
1.3.5. |
§ 166 |
Hazards arising from pressure compensation operations |
1.4., 1.4.1., 1.4.2. |
§ 167 |
Hazards arising from external effects |
- 5., 1.5.1., 1.5.2., 1.5.3. § 168 Requirements in respect of safety-related devices
1.5.4. |
§ 169 |
Control and display units |
1.5.5., 1.5.6, 1.5.7. |
§ 170 |
Requirements in respect of devices with a measuring function for explosion protection |
1.5.8. |
§ 171 |
Risks arising from software |
1.6., 1.6.1., 1.6.2. |
§ 172 |
Integration of safety requirements relating to the system |
1.6.3. |
§ 173 |
Hazards arising from power failure |
1.6.4. |
§ 174 |
Hazards arising from connections |
1.6.5. |
§ 175 |
Placing of warning devices as part of equipment |
- Supplementary requirements in respect of equipment
§ 176 Supplementary requirements in respect of equipment
- Supplementary requirements in respect of protective systems
- 177 Supplementary requirements in respect of protective systems
Annex III - Module B: EU-type examination
1., 2. § 178 EU-type examination
3. § 179 The application for EU-type examination
4. § 180 Tasks to be performed by the notified body
5. § 181 The evaluation report
6. § 182 The EU-type examination certificate
§ 183 The EU-type examination certificate and the responsibilities of stakeholders
7. § 184 Changes and modifications
§ 185 Obligations for the notified body 186 Validity of EU-type examination certificates
8. § 187 Obligations for the manufacturer
9. § 188 Authorised representative
Annex IV - Module D: Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
1. § 189 Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
2. § 190 Manufacturing
3. § 191 Quality system
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§ 192 Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
5. § 193 CE-marking, EU declaration of conformity and attestation of conformity
6. § 194 Obligations for the manufacturer: retention of documentation - quality assurance
7. § 195 Obligations for the notified body
8. § 196 Authorised representative
Annex V - Module F: Conformity to type based on product verification
1. § 197 Conformity to type based on product verification
2. § 198 Manufacturing
3., 4. § 199 Verification
5. § 200 CE-marking, EU declaration of conformity and attestation of conformity
6. § 201 The notified body’s identification number
7. § 202 Authorised representative
Annex VI - Module C1: Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing
1. § 203 Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing
2. § 204 Manufacturing
3. § 205 Product checks
4. § 206 CE-marking, EU declaration of conformity and attestation of conformity
5. § 207 Authorised representative
Annex VII - Module E: Conformity to type based on product quality assurance
1. § 208 Conformity to type based on product quality assurance
2. § 209 Manufacturing
3. § 210 Quality system
4. § 211 Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
5. § 212 CE-marking, EU declaration of conformity and attestation of conformity
6. § 213 Obligations for the manufacturer
7. § 214 Obligations for the notified body
8. § 215 Authorised representative
Annex VIII - Module A: Internal product control
1. § 216 Internal product control
2. § 217 Technical documentation
3. § 218 Manufacturing
4. § 219 CE-marking, EU declaration of conformity and attestation of conformity
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§ 220 Authorised representative
Annex IX - Module G: Conformity based on unit verification
1. § 221 Conformity based on unit verification
2. § 222 Technical documentation
3. § 223 Manufacturing
4. § 224 Verification
5. § 225 CE-marking, EU declaration of conformity and attestation of conformity
6. § 226 Authorised representative
Annex X - EU declaration of conformity |
§ 227 The EU declaration of conformity |
Annex XI |
§ 228 References of the repealed Directive |
Annex XII - Correlation table |
§ 229 Correlation table |
Statement of the European Parliament |
§ 230 Statement of the European Parliament |
Application of Directive 2014/34/EU alongside others that may apply
§ 231 |
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU (EMC) |
§ 232 |
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU (LVD) |
§ 233 |
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC |
§ 234 |
Transport of Dangerous Goods Directives 2008/68/EC and 98/91/EC (ADR) |
§ 235 |
Personal Protective Equipment Directive 89/686/EEC (PPE) |
§ 236 |
Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED) and Simple Pressure Vessels Directive 2014/29/EU (SPVD) |
§ 237 |
Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (RED) |
§ 238 |
Gas Appliances Directive 2009/142/EC (GAD) |
§ 239 |
Construction Products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (CPR) |
§ 240 |
Marine Equipment Directive 2014/90/EU (MED) |
Application of Directive 2014/34/EU to specific equipment
§ 241 |
Inerting systems |
§ 242 |
Paint spray booths |
§ 243 |
Filter units and vented silo bins |
§ 244 |
Gas turbines |
§ 245 |
Steam turbines |
§ 246 |
Petrol pumps |
§ 247 |
Cables |
§ 248 |
Rotating mechanical seals |
§ 249 |
Bucket elevators |
§ 250 |
Fork lift trucks |
§ 251 |
Transportable, pressurised cabins ("modules") |
§ 252 |
Automatically lubricating systems |
§ 253 |
Electrical trace heating systems |
§ 254 |
Motor protection for category 3 motors |
§ 255 |
Wi-Fi access points |
§ 256 |
Refrigerators and storage cabinets for volatile substances |
Borderline list – ATEX products
Specific marking of explosion protection (ex) drawn from Directive 84/47/EEC
Useful ATEX websites
[1] Directive 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (recast) (OJEU L 96, 29.3.2014, p. 309).
[2] According to the agreement related to the European Economic Area (EEA) (Decision of the Council and the Commission 94/1/EC of 13 December 1993, OJ L1, 3.1.1994, p.1), the territories of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have to be considered, for the implementation of Directive 2014/34/EU, in the same right as of the EU territory. When this term, EU territory, is used in this Guide, the same applies to the EEA territory.
[3] The former Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, until 31 October 2014.
[5] Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 on a new approach to technical harmonization and standards (OJ C 136, 4.6.1985, p. 1).
[6] Among others, the ATEX "workplace" Directive 1999/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1999 on minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres (OJ L 23, 28.1.2000, p. 57).