Article 1.2.4. Stopping - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC

The text in RED color is the amended or added text in comparison with the former 98/37/EC machinery directive.

1.2.4. Stopping Normal stop

Machinery must be fitted with a control device whereby the machinery can be brought safely to a complete stop.

Each workstation must be fitted with a control device to stop some or all of the functions of the machinery, depending on the existing hazards, so that the machinery is rendered safe.

The machinery's stop control must have priority over the start controls.

Once the machinery or its hazardous functions have stopped, the energy supply to the actuators concerned must be cut off.


The text of the old directive stated "dangerous elements".

Original Comment:

Le texte de l’ancienne directive indiquait « les éléments dangereux ». Operational stop

Where, for operational reasons, a stop control that does not cut off the energy supply to the actuators is required, the stop condition must be monitored and maintained.


This paragraph is new. The stop control that does not interrupt the power supply is defined in EN 60204-1 "Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements" as category 2 stop

9.2.2 Stop functions

There are three categories of stop functions as follows:

  • stop category 0: stopping by immediate removal of power to the machine actuators (i.e. an uncontrolled stop – see 3.56);
  • stop category 1: a controlled stop (see 3.11) with power available to the machine actuators to achieve the stop and then removal of power when the stop is achieved;
  • stop category 2: a controlled stop with power left available to the machine actuators.

Original Comment:

Ce paragraphe est nouveau. La commande d’arrêt qui n’interrompt pas l’alimentation en énergie est définie dans la norme EN 60204-1 « Sécurité des machines - Équipement électrique des machines - Partie 1 : règles générales » comme arrêt de catégorie 2

9.2.2 Fonctions arrêt

Il existe trois catégories de fonctions d'arrêt:

  • arrêt de catégorie 0: arrêt par suppression immédiate de l'alimentation aux actionneurs (c'est-à-dire, un arrêt non contrôlé – voir 3.56);
  • arrêt de catégorie 1: arrêt contrôlé (voir 3.11) en maintenant l'alimentation aux actionneurs jusqu'à l'arrêt de la machine, puis coupure de la puissance quand l'arrêt est obtenu;
  • arrêt de catégorie 2: arrêt contrôlé en maintenant l'alimentation aux actionneurs. Emergency stop

Machinery must be fitted with one or more emergency stop devices to enable actual or impending danger to be averted.

The following exceptions apply:

- machinery in which an emergency stop device would not lessen the risk, either because it would not reduce the stopping time or because it would not enable the special measures required to deal with the risk to be taken,

- portable hand-held and/or hand-guided machinery.

The device must:

- have clearly identifiable, clearly visible and quickly accessible control devices,

- stop the hazardous process as quickly as possible, without creating additional risks,

- where necessary, trigger or permit the triggering of certain safeguard movements.

Once active operation of the emergency stop device has ceased following a stop command, that command must be sustained by engagement of the emergency stop device until that engagement is specifically overridden; it must not be possible to engage the device without triggering a stop command; it must be possible to disengage the device only by an appropriate operation, and disengaging the device must not restart the machinery but only permit restarting.

The emergency stop function must be available and operational at all times, regardless of the operating mode.

Emergency stop devices must be a back-up to other safeguarding measures and not a substitute for them.


The text of the former Machinery Directive and the text of the new directive are similar with the exception of the final requirement. The wording of the new requirement includes the current state of the standardization of emergency functions defined in the generic standards and product standards.

Original Comment:

Le texte de l’ancienne directive machines et le texte de la nouvelle directive sont similaires à l’exception de la dernière exigence. Le libellé de la nouvelle exigence intègre l’état de la normalisation actuelle sur les arrêts d’urgence défini dans les normes génériques et les normes produit.
