Annex VI of machinery directive 2006/42/EC

The text in RED color is the amended or added text in comparison with the former 98/37/EC machinery directive.

ANNEX VI : Assembly instructions for partly completed machinery

The assembly instructions for partly completed machinery must contain a description of the conditions which must be met with a view to correct incorporation in the final machinery, so as not to compromise safety and health.

The assembly instructions must be written in an official Community language acceptable to the manufacturer of the machinery in which the partly completed machinery will be assembled, or to his authorised representative.

Comment : A VI-1

This appendix is new. It specifies the contents of this instruction in accordance with requirements set out in section 13 of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.

It should be noted that this assembly instructions must be delivered to the integrator of the final machine, but it is not a document to be given to the end user of the machine.


Original Comment : A VI-1

Cette annexe est nouvelle. Elle précise le contenu de cette notice en application des exigences définies à l’article 13 de la directive machines 2006/42/CE.

Il faut noter que cette notice d’assemblage doit être livrée à l’intégrateur de la machine finale, mais n’est pas un document à remettre à l’utilisateur final de la machine.
