Annex V of machinery directive 2006/42/EC

The text in RED color is the amended or added text in comparison with the former 98/37/EC machinery directive.

ANNEX V : Indicative list of the safety components referred to in Article 2(c)

1. Guards for removable mechanical transmission devices.

2. Protective devices designed to detect the presence of persons.

3. Power-operated interlocking movable guards designed to be used as safeguards in machinery referred to in items 9, 10 and 11 of Annex IV.

4. Logic units to ensure safety functions.

5. Valves with additional means for failure detection intended for the control of dangerous movements on machinery.

6. Extraction systems for machinery emissions.

7. Guards and protective devices designed to protect persons against moving parts involved in the process on the machinery.

8. Monitoring devices for loading and movement control in lifting machinery.

9. Restraint systems to keep persons on their seats.

10. Emergency stop devices.

11. Discharging systems to prevent the build-up of potentially dangerous electrostatic charges.

12. Energy limiters and relief devices referred to in sections 1.5.7, 3.4.7 and of Annex I.

13. Systems and devices to reduce the emission of noise and vibrations.

14. Roll-over protective structures (ROPS).

15. Falling-object protective structures (FOPS).

16. Two-hand control devices.

17. Components for machinery designed for lifting and/or lowering persons between different landings and included in the following list:

(a) devices for locking landing doors;

(b) devices to prevent the load-carrying unit from falling or unchecked upwards movement;

(c) overspeed limitation devices;

(d) energy-accumulating shock absorbers,

- non-linear, or

- with damping of the return movement;

(e) energy-dissipating shock absorbers;

(f) safety devices fitted to jacks of hydraulic power circuits where these are used as devices to prevent falls;

(g) electric safety devices in the form of safety switches containing electronic components.

Comment : A V-1

See Comment in Annex IV.

4. Logic units to ensure safety functions on machines

All logic blocks / logic unit are now part of the list of safety components. Products previously excluded (logical block for emergency stop for example) are now listed. The RfU (see below) must specify the list of covered products.

Original Comment : A V-1

Cf. Commentaire en annexe IV.

4. Blocs logiques assurant des fonctions de sécurité sur les machines

Tous les blocs logiques font désormais partie de la liste des composants de sécurité. Les produits qui étaient autrefois exclus (blocs logiques pour arrêt d’urgence) sont désormais cités. Les RfU (Cf. ci-après) devront préciser la liste des produits couverts.

Comment: A V-2

One way to update this Annex is done through Rfu - Recommendations for use - providing consensual issues that were discussed by the technical experts of notified bodies. These RfUs are adopted by Coordination of notified bodies, approved by the horizontal coordination committee reported and communicated to the working group "machines" for approval and then are published on the website of the European Commission. These sheets are not binding in law must be regarded as a reference to ensure uniform application of the "Machinery" Directive by the notified bodies. Safety components listed in Annex IV and V of the Machinery Directive must respect the decisions of those RfU.

Original Comment: A V-2

Un des moyens pour mettre à jour cette annexe se fait par le biais de Rfu – Recommendations for use - qui fournissent des réponses consensuelles aux questions qui ont été discutées par les experts techniques des organismes notifiés. Ces RfU sont adoptés par La coordination des organismes notifiés, approuvées par le comité horizontal de la coordination des organismes notifiés puis communiquées au groupe de travail «Machines» pour approbation, pour être ensuite publiées sur le site web de la Commission Européenne. Ces fiches qui ne sont pas contraignantes en droit doivent être considérées comme une référence permettant de garantir une application uniforme de la directive «Machines» par les organismes notifiés. Les composants de sécurité figurant dans les annexes IV et V de la directive machines se doivent de respecter les décisions de ces RfU.
