Article 1.6. MAINTENANCE - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC

The text in RED color is the amended or added text in comparison with the former 98/37/EC machinery directive.


Comment :

The text of article "maintenance" of the new Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC has been reformulated without significant modification. It can be pointed out Electrical hazards and the risk of restarts dealed in previous chapters above, must be integrated into the risk analysis in the "maintenance" phase.

Original Comment :

Le texte du chapitre « entretien » de la nouvelle directive machines 2006/42/CE a été reformulé sans modification importante. On notera le risque électrique et le risque de redémarrage intempestif traité ci-avant, doit être intégré dans l’analyse de risque à la phase « entretien ».

1.6.1. Machinery maintenance

Adjustment and maintenance points must be located outside danger zones. It must be possible to carry out adjustment, maintenance, repair, cleaning and servicing operations while machinery is at a standstill.

If one or more of the above conditions cannot be satisfied for technical reasons, measures must be taken to ensure that these operations can be carried out safely (see section 1.2.5).

In the case of automated machinery and, where necessary, other machinery, a connecting device for mounting diagnostic fault-finding equipment must be provided.

Automated machinery components which have to be changed frequently must be capable of being removed and replaced easily and safely. Access to the components must enable these tasks to be carried out with the necessary technical means in accordance with a specified operating method.

1.6.2. Access to operating positions and servicing points

Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way as to allow access in safety to all areas where intervention is necessary during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machinery.

1.6.3. Isolation of energy sources

Machinery must be fitted with means to isolate it from all energy sources. Such isolators must be clearly identified. They must be capable of being locked if reconnection could endanger persons. Isolators must also be capable of being locked where an operator is unable, from any of the points to which he has access, to check that the energy is still cut off.

In the case of machinery capable of being plugged into an electricity supply, removal of the plug is sufficient, provided that the operator can check from any of the points to which he has access that the plug remains removed.

After the energy is cut off, it must be possible to dissipate normally any energy remaining or stored in the circuits of the machinery without risk to persons.

As an exception to the requirement laid down in the previous paragraphs, certain circuits may remain connected to their energy sources in order, for example, to hold parts, to protect information, to light interiors, etc. In this case, special steps must be taken to ensure operator safety.

1.6.4. Operator intervention

Machinery must be so designed, constructed and equipped that the need for operator intervention is limited. If operator intervention cannot be avoided, it must be possible to carry it out easily and safely.

1.6.5. Cleaning of internal parts

The machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that it is possible to clean internal parts which have contained dangerous substances or preparations without entering them; any necessary unblocking must also be possible from the outside. If it is impossible to avoid entering the machinery, it must be designed and constructed in such a way as to allow cleaning to take place safely.
