Article 1.2.3. Starting - annex 1 of machinery directive 2006/42/EC

The text in RED color is the amended or added text in comparison with the former 98/37/EC machinery directive.

1.2.3. Starting

It must be possible to start machinery only by voluntary actuation of a control device provided for the purpose.

The same requirement applies:

- when restarting the machinery after a stoppage, whatever the cause,

- when effecting a significant change in the operating conditions.

However, the restarting of the machinery or a change in operating conditions may be effected by voluntary actuation of a device other than the control device provided for the purpose, on condition that this does not lead to a hazardous situation.


The text of the old directive to the beginning of the requirement related to the restart was similar EXCEPT that the old Machinery Directive does not prohibit restarted without voluntary action "unless such restarting ..." .

Now a voluntary action on a device different from the manual control is now necessary. This aspect has been introduced in standardization.


Original Comment:

Le texte de l’ancienne directive pour le début de l’exigence relative à la remise en marche était similaire SAUF que l’ancienne directive machines n’interdisait pas la remise en marche sans action volontaire « sauf si cette remise en marche, … ».

Désormais une action volontaire sur un organe autre que l'organe de service est désormais nécessaire. Ce point a été intégré dans la normalisation.

For machinery functioning in automatic mode, the starting of the machinery, restarting after a stoppage, or a change in operating conditions may be possible without intervention, provided this does not lead to a hazardous situation.


The text of the old directive was "must be carried out easily after security conditions are met."

Original Comment:

Le texte de l’ancienne directive  était « doit pouvoir être effectué facilement après que les conditions de sécurité sont remplies ».

Where machinery has several starting control devices and the operators can therefore put each other in danger, additional devices must be fitted to rule out such risks. If safety requires that starting and/or stopping must be performed in a specific sequence, there must be devices which ensure that these operations are performed in the correct order.


This new requirement means that the stopping and starting phases for machines with co-activity must be integrated to the risk analysis in order to determine whether or not these devices are necessary.

Original Comment:

Cette nouvelle exigence impose que les phases d’arrêt et de mise en marche pour les machines ayant une co-activité soient intégrées à l’analyse de risque, afin de déterminer la nécessité ou non de dispositifs.
